ep⋅ic [ep-ik] –adjective Latest reports indicate over 4 feet of ultra-light Champagne Powder snow in the past five days at the summit of the Steamboat Ski Area. With 100 inches in December and all the new snow this past week, Steamboat hit the 175-inch (14.58 feet) snow milestone for the season today. Once again Steamboat dominates the snow stats with the largest mid-mountain base of the major Colorado destination resorts, and a summit base that’s topping out at 70 inches. So far 2008-09 is on track for legendary status. We use another word for this kind of winter - EPIC! Since the resort opened on November 26th, snow has fallen 30 out of 43 days (69.7%) with 20 of those days recording four or more inches. So far this season the resort is just inches behind its record setting 2007/2008 snow season pace, when 489 inches blanketed the resort. Current forecasts call for additional snow throughout the upcoming weekend.
1. heroic; majestic; impressively great: an epic winter
2. of unusually great size or extent
- There is a lot of fresh snow up there.
- "Bottomless" is not a hypothetical concept.
- 30 year old evergreens weighed down with powder really do look like they have been dipped in white chocolate.
- Lift operators looking for their equipment are advised to start digging.
- Those snow-tires were a good investment.
- There is a reason that Steamboat visitors and locals look tired but seem happy.
So, in light of this ask yourself seriously...
"Do I want to experience an Epic Winter or just read about it afterwards?"
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